Quantum Journeys: Blueprints for Time Travel, Wormholes and Space Time Machines: Exploring Time Loops, Paradoxes and Temporal Trespassers


Quantum Journeys: Blueprints for Time Travel, Wormholes and Space Time Machines: Exploring Time Loops, Paradoxes and Temporal Trespassers

Total Number of Pages 180

So sci-fi makes time travel and interstellar travel look so easy. But for those of us not living in a science fiction world, are these just fantasies or could it really be possible? This book takes a fun look at the cutting-edge physics that is making sci-fi a reality. It explores the possibility of traveling through time or shortcuts between stars. Written with a light touch and clear love of sci-fi, Scott explains how time travel can actually occur based on theories from Einstein and scientists like Hawking and Thorne. You will be taken on a straightforward tour of our current understanding of time and space. With no complex math, Scott lays out Einstein's relativity and the differences between forward and backward time travel. Various potential time machines and warp drives are surveyed too, like wormholes, parallel universes and warp bubbles. Chapter 11 is titled "How to Construct a Time Machine" where Scott outlines existing technologies we have today that could possibly build one. The universe has so many mysteries. But those not afraid to challenge what they know and keep learning may find answers to the mysteries of time in this book.  

Introduction           9

Chapter 1                11
An Introduction to Space and Time
The Flow of Time
Can the Flow of Time be Interrupted?

Chapter 2                18
Ancient Timekeeping Mechanisms
Newgrange as a Solar Calendar
Magnetic Anomalies discovered at Newgrange
Nevada's 10,0000 year Timekeeper
The Star Sirius
Incongruent Cycles
Where the Seven Days of the week come from
Eternal Return
The Easter Controversy

Chapter 3                25
Timekeeping Mechanisms
The Antikythera Mechanism
Cesium Beam Tube Clocks
Atomic Timekeeping
Advancing Timekeeping Precision
Biological Methods of Timekeeping
The Effect of Daylight Saving Time on the Human Body

Chapter 4                29
Varying Perceptions of Time

Chapter 5                31
Why Time Flows differently in the Quantum World
What are Closed Timelike curves?
Microscopic Black Holes from Cosmic Rays
How the Brane Works
Does Human  Life exist in other Dimensions?
The Effects of Entanglement on Time
Is Starlight Entangled?
How the Flow of Time is affected by Gravit
Frame Dragging and Time

Chapter 6                42
Space Time Experiments using the Quantum
What is a Light Cone?
Using Quantum Mechanics to Traverse between 2 points in Time
Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Teleportation
The 2 Main Phases of Quantum Teleportation
Potential Applications of Quantum Teleportation
Wormhole Created Using a Quantum Computer

Chapter 7                50
How to Time Travel to the Future
Mental Time Travel
Mental Time Capsules
Perception of Time Variances
Mental Time Travel in Animals
Explaining the General Theory of Relativity
Using Einstein's Theory of Relativity to Manipulate Time
How to Time Travel to the Past
Using the Alcubierre Warp Drive to Warp Space TIme
Using Cosmic Strings to Travel to the Past
How to Travel through Time using a Wormhole
Microscopic Wormholes as Tunnels through Time
Where are all the Time Traveler’s from the Future?
Time Travel Tourism
Paradoxes of Travelling to the Past
Example of a Time Traveler’s Paradox
Every Moment in Time exists Eternally
Time Travel Technology Overview

Chapter 8                67
Time Reversal Symmetry

Chapter 9                75
Arrows within Time
How to Bend Light to See the Future. The Time Viewing Mirror
Using a Rotating Universe to Travel Backwards in Time
Movement and its Effect on the Passage of Time
The Arrow of Time Explained
Heat and the violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Where does Time actually Begin?
Quantum Mechanics and the Arrow of Time
The Equivalence Principle
The Uncertainty Principle

Chapter 10              87
The Effects of Gravity on Space Time
Why are Gravity Waves so hard to detect?
Gravity Waves from the Big Bang
Gravity and Pressure

Chapter 11              94
How to Construct a Time Machine
Methods that Time Manipulation can be used for
Theoretical Frameworks for Time Travel
Time Machine Outline -
The Quantum World as a doorway to Time Travel
Sending Messages Through Time
Time as Blocks of Separate Pieces of Matter
An Entanglement Time Machine
Time Travel Research in Connecticut
How to Exceed the Speed of light in the Lab
Time Travel using High Velocities
Using Voicemail to Send Messages to the Future
Using Exotic Forms of Matter to Facilitate the Warping of Spacetime
Time Travel Communications using Neutrinos
How to Time Travel Using a Black Hole
How Celestial Bodies in our Solar System Warp Space / Time
How Time Behaves around Black Holes
How hot is a black hole?
Do Black holes have Entropy?
What happens if you fall into a black hole?

Chapter 12              113
Time Travel and the Many World's View

Chapter 13              117
Free Will
Free Will, Parallel Worlds, and Time Travel

Chapter 14              122
Exploring String Theory
The Calabi-Yau Shape and String Theory
The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

Chapter 15              129
Defining Entropy
Entropy in Nature

Chapter 16              136
Monuments that have Stood the Test of Time
Magnetic Anomalies at Stonehenge
The Mayan Pyramids
The Drombeg Stone Circle
How to Measure Longitude using Differences in Time
Types of Precession
My View on Time

Chapter Summaries                   143

Index                                        161